craziest thing... i havent logged onto this account in AGES. and today i was reminiscing on it all with my friend! i can’t believe people are still reading ‘simmer down’ and adding it to their favourite books reading lists, that just blows my mind considering i’m a fookin loser who hasn’t updated for YEARS!!!!! the last time i properly thought abt finishing the fic was when i was still in high school. i’m in university now (writing a lot for my degree, coincidentally heheh) and a whole lot older than i was when i was in the 5sos fandom. sorry to say, i’m not rlly in touch with that as much anymore hHahaha BUT... do people want to know how i planned the story to end? i don’t think i can promise full well-written chapters. but i could do a summation of “events that followed” so at least everyone can have some confirmed closure on the story and i can finally mark it as completed! idk how wattpad works (they changed the logo WTF) but i mean.. if you send me a message or comment (?) on this update (can u do that? uhh) then i’ll give it a shot we still #ashmma forever outhere!!! luv E

@educashton omg yesss, "simmer down" is my fav fanfiction ever. ❤️ I'm really curious about the "events that followed" summation and about how you planned the ending. :)