Hey guys. I was looking through my story of the first Pokémon In Real Life and a lot of chapters where missing. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'll sum it all up for you in this post. So in the story, the chapter after Lizabeth's Open Challenge, Maria broke up with me and left to go on her own journey but May and Brendan from ORAS joined our journey. We also met my little brother Aidan and my older brother Dylan reappeared to coach a battle between me and Aidan (and I won.) Also, the fourth gym battle was actually against Lizabeth. I beat Lizabeth in her open challenge and got the gym badge before May and Brendan had a tag battle with A Grovyle and Combusken (now known as Sceptile and Blaziken) against Lizabeth with her Pikachu and Ampharos. A few chapters later, we had a situation with Maria and she found someone else to that he dated (By the way, Maria's Prinplup evolved to Empoleon at the time). I forgot his name though. The chapter after that, we went to New Moon Island (the island wit Darkrai) and I battled Darkrai with Frogadier and he evolved into Greninja during that battle. I successfully captured Darkrai with two legenday Pokémon on my team. We went back where we left off on our journey and we ran into Maria and her boyfriend again and they caused a problem there. But it was more than just them; William, Derek, and Max were on Maria's side. Dylan reappeared once again after Maria's boyfriend beat the hell out of me and Dylan stopped him after punching him in the face. After all of that, lots of stuff that didn't really matter happened. Then I obtained the Relic Badge and had a battle with May that I also won and saw Cynthia after. If you have any questions, let me know. And word of advice, DON'T MARK YOUR STORIES AS COMPLETE IF YOU THINK THEY'RE DONE! THAT'S HOW SO MANY CHAPTERS WERE GONE!