
yo. like what is this page anymore. i used to get so many reads and now i at least get 5.... life’s not the same anymore and i’m sad:( 


Alright everyone who keeps up with me. (Probably very few people) there may or may not be an update tonight. I’m very positive there will be. So stay tuned:) sorry it’s been a hot minute:) it’s very rarely I get motivation. 
          With love ❤️ 


I know I’ve said this before, but I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I have a tendency to switch fandoms every now and then. And right now I’ve not been into the certain fandom I write for. I know it sounds weirrrddd..... but idk. Anyway. I’ll get back to this fandom eventually. Just gimme time. - With love❤️❤️