
I've recently returned from a vacation, and since my jet lag has pretty much worn off and I'm used to an American time schedule, I'll be catching up on everything on here <3
          	I do have two things to share, one of which is an announcement and the other is a question.
          	The first thing is that The New Faces of Skyrim is going to be going through some editing before any new chapters are posted. I was looking through recently and saw quite a few things that could be changed. It won't be anything too major, however!
          	The second thing is my question. Would anyone be interested in reading a Dragon Age 2 story? I've recently been replaying the game and think that writing the story line with both Marian and Garret Hawk (instead of one or the other) would be quite fun. You don't have to have even played the games -- if you're interested, don't be afraid to tell me.
          	It's entirely possible that I'll do it anyway but yours truly would like a bit of feedback to quell her anxiety.
          	~ Elk


@salvusamicus I'm so sorry for such a late reply, my goodness!
          	  I went to Scotland for a week and half! It was so amazing, especially since I got to see Edinburgh and castles and all that fun stuff.
          	  I really need to catch up on your Skyrim book, too. I'm making an effort to stick around on here a little more, so I'll take a peek tomorrow <3
          	  And thank you! I really appreciate it. Although it may not update very frequently, as a forewarning. On the contrary, I haven't played much of Mass Effect, although I'd really love to since Bioware is fantastic with their gameplay.


I've recently returned from a vacation, and since my jet lag has pretty much worn off and I'm used to an American time schedule, I'll be catching up on everything on here <3
          I do have two things to share, one of which is an announcement and the other is a question.
          The first thing is that The New Faces of Skyrim is going to be going through some editing before any new chapters are posted. I was looking through recently and saw quite a few things that could be changed. It won't be anything too major, however!
          The second thing is my question. Would anyone be interested in reading a Dragon Age 2 story? I've recently been replaying the game and think that writing the story line with both Marian and Garret Hawk (instead of one or the other) would be quite fun. You don't have to have even played the games -- if you're interested, don't be afraid to tell me.
          It's entirely possible that I'll do it anyway but yours truly would like a bit of feedback to quell her anxiety.
          ~ Elk


@salvusamicus I'm so sorry for such a late reply, my goodness!
            I went to Scotland for a week and half! It was so amazing, especially since I got to see Edinburgh and castles and all that fun stuff.
            I really need to catch up on your Skyrim book, too. I'm making an effort to stick around on here a little more, so I'll take a peek tomorrow <3
            And thank you! I really appreciate it. Although it may not update very frequently, as a forewarning. On the contrary, I haven't played much of Mass Effect, although I'd really love to since Bioware is fantastic with their gameplay.


I'm a tad late on this, but I was tagged in a 13 facts about yourself by @ClaireTCKW 
          So, here we go then! I don't plan on tagging anyone else, just as an FYI
          1. EffectedElk is actually part of my gamer tag on xbox. I've had it for a couple years now and it's just followed me. 
          2. I like to spout fun facts about nature. My friends do not like it nearly as much as I do.
          3. I love birds. I have field guides that I pored over as a child and absorbed like a sponge. I actually hope to be able to work with raptors in the future.
          4. I've been in FFA and participated in several competitions, and made it to the Nationals level in Landscape and Nursery (honestly my proudest moment).
          5. I once watched Jurassic Park so many times that my parents banned me from it.
          6. I've been riding since I was just a teeny thing. The first time I sat on a horse was when I was 9 months old. He was very well minded and I rode him for several years. Sadly, he passed away at age 28 last year.
          7. I've been raising goats and sheep since I was 5. After getting goats I realized how much I loathe sheep.
          8. I haven't actually been able to play Skyrim for a year now. A while ago, my xbox 360 decided to delete my level 60 character and I gave up. Now I have an xbox one instead. All my current knowledge comes from youtube and a very large guidebook. 
          9. When I'm feeling uninspired I listen to instrumental music and daydream.
          10. I'm terrified of the dark. I start to panic when left alone inside, and panic outside even if I'm with people.
          11. Sounds like smacking, loud breathing, sniffling, throat clearing and even sights like toes rubbing together or legs moving drive me insane. So much so that I have to leave the room or distract myself by pinching myself.
          12. I plan to raise quail, pheasants, and peacocks one day.
          13. I already raise chickens, all of which are my pride and joy.


Wow! You really love nature! So glad to hear that there are people just like me!!