Your profile is so cute! I was wondering if you'd like to check out my H.S fanfic called Somewhere, Someday and maybe even leave your feedback or opinions? I'd really appreciate your help. Xx

Hey!! It has been a long time since I heard anything from ya! How are you?

@-aestheticgrunge- hey! long time no see too, I'm fine- I just have too many school works to do, hbu?

When you guys going to update Iniquity?

Hey guys! I just want to let you all now that Kat and I are very thankful for 1.1K reads on Iniquity. Thank you so much for your votes, positive feedbacks and support, I hope you'll all stay until the very end. Ilyasm. -francine x

Helloo , Chapter four of Bleeding love is up ! Hope you can check it out and please tell me your opinion xx

Hey there! Mind checking out my new h.s fic? Its called SIXTEEN!! BTW I am in love with 'INEQUITY' ! Its so amazing!! Keep on going with same zeal :)

Would you mind checking out my book "Bleeding Love " and maybe leave some feedback? I'll check yours too

@COLDSHIVER2 sure love, btw keep up the good work and I absolutely love and adore your covers!

Knock knock. Hello there! Sorry for bothering. I was wondering if you could check out my book called "Shifted" and also the others books, if thats fine. It would mean a lot of you also give feedback to it, tell me wdyt of the book ❤ I'll do yours in return! Thank you, and have a good day.

@effervescencelwt thank you so much dear! Hopefully you enjoy the whole story as much as I enjoy writing :) I will definitely check ur books ❤

@simplehes Hi love, I just read "Shifted" and I got to say I'm pretty liking the story so far- I'll check out your other bools during my free time if that's okay with you. Please do the same for "Iniquity". Thank you. x

Thanks for the reads and votes on my work! :)