hey hey, my fellow countrywoman! Conas a ta? Ta suil agam go bhuil tu go maith! (my GOD i hate Irish... I'm just so bad at it!!)
Anyway, just gave the first part of your story 'Honey, we're not superheroes' a read (and, may I just say, great title!) and commented. Great work, i really mean it, absolutely fabululous, even if I am completely against the whole Twilight thing now (:O I know, it's shocking... but then, i first read the book when only one bookshop in Dublin sold it, met Stephanie Meyer, and watched everyone else become obsessed... now I've just had enough!)
Now :D since I took time out of my horrific study schedule (lc coming up next week!! :O) to read your story, could you possibly do the same for me? 'With Teeth' and 'Thicker than Water' are fantasies with a romantic sideline that I'm currently uploading, and there are a couple of short stories there also, if you haven't the time or the will to read something longer! Thanks in advance, and well done on the story!!