
Redoing some art on my stories! 


Hello! Mushroom here!
          I just wanted to send a little message to anyone and everyone who decides to read this. Remember that there are so many good things in this world! Even if it doesn't feel like it. There's always a place for you in this horrid world, whether you're part of lgbtq, or a frowned apon color, religion, gender, ect.! There's always someone who cares for you and who will be there for you! Times will be very hard indeed, but they WILL get better, trust me! Because of this however, that does mean that you have to take care of yourself! If you love and care about someone, you can't take care of them if you don't take care of yourself!! You have to put yourself first sometimes, and I know that seems backwards, but it's true! Also, it's a-o-k to cry, it's normal human emotions! If you're told that it's not, then that person / those people are toxic! If you need to cry or have needed to cry, then what helps me is taking a nice warm shower (But if you like cold better do that!) and crying in there. The sound of the shower (and music if ya do that kinda thing) will cover the sounds of the crying, and you can use the shower as an excuse if your face gets red when you cry, just say you had a warm shower! Another thing is calling and venting to someone, even if you think you're pestering them! (Make sure to ask them if it's ok first!) Anygays! That's all I wanted to say, I hope you have a good day! (And if it's night for you, make sure you get some sleep and take care of yourself! Fix your sleep schedule- even if it is hard! *Talking from experience*)
          -Mushroom :)


@egg766 Thank you, I will try and fix my sleeping schedule ❤❤❤❤


That was a lot to type- luckily, I can type quickly :)


Dear followers I know you have been waiting a while for me to continue writing Raccooninnit, however due to new motivation I will be rewriting the entire story besides the prologue. thank you so much for being so patient and waiting and I promise to get more out soon.
          Have a great day/night my scrambled eggs!


Hopefully I can be off hiatus soon. I promise as soon as I’m back I will rewrite the Raccooninnit story and start work on a Goodboyhalo book that is being written in google docs 
          Anyways thank you to all of my scrambled eggs for being so patient and  have a great day/night. <3


Yo I currently am grounded from my Laptop and have been for a while. I have no idea when I will be ungrounded, but this means no new story updates for the time being. I promise once I get it back, I will make a point to post more stories and finish my preexisting ones.
          Thank you so much to anyone who reads my stories and followed me. All the support I receive from you guys has helped me so much and I appreciate you guys so, so much.
          Thank you for supporting me and have a wonderful day/night, wherever you might be in this world.