Author sama, it been a long time sing the last update update soon please
          Thank you for the hard work. I know that is hard making a story. It just that Off script is too good that i cant help asking for more and i cant wait


author-san, your stories are so addicting and perfect. (It satisfys my fujoshi side of me.. Hehehhe) Anyways, I'm keeping an eye out for the next update!!!


@ehkilis Your welcome.. O///O


I love your story! So far the story has been great. I like how the MC just deadpanned  whenever the ML tries to woo the MC,  yet the  ML still persist  to get his attention. And his (MC) reactions whenever he  encounter something odd and off the script of the plot are hilarious making him look more lovable and cute  like that in similar situations.
          I adore your MC! Being so independent and likeable.  ^^


@Sossoobsess Thank you for reading my story !! Glad you liked it :D