
and sorry this is very random but can we all just please admire the talented, effortlessly amazing writers that prosper here on this very site? their writing is so simply beautiful and my writing is merely an insult to theirs. the words are pungent yet unperturbed and i think that’s magnificent. and i’m sure they know who they are i follow them :) g’night stay groovy my dudes


and sorry this is very random but can we all just please admire the talented, effortlessly amazing writers that prosper here on this very site? their writing is so simply beautiful and my writing is merely an insult to theirs. the words are pungent yet unperturbed and i think that’s magnificent. and i’m sure they know who they are i follow them :) g’night stay groovy my dudes


my brain has been thinking about writing a fack book, and part of me really wants to but the other part doubts myself. i suppose if i do, i will make it a journal (ish) and be short. maybe not! don’t attack me if you don’t like the ship (or friendship) of fack!


gonna take a break from writing probably! happy new year! my goal this year is to be: happy and healthy! last year, i had a tough time dealing with my depression and my health in general. i wasn’t sleeping, eating enough or too much, and just in general was a grump. this year (even though i recently haven’t slept for a long time) i am going to strive to be better. so, i’m taking a break from writing but will still read other people’s stories. cheers! xo 
          - maddy :)


i swear i’ll update a chapter for beautiful people soon, my friends. ive been busy; but for the first time in a long time, i’ve been so happy. i’m laughing a lot now and i get a warm, fuzzy passion inside my stomach and i can’t describe in other words than pure happiness. i’m so incredible grateful for all of you and. i love you :)
          - maddy


i’m really sad right now i don’t know why. i hate boys and medication and also girls who think they are so amazing and everything else. i just want to pack my bags and move somewhere else. if you’ve ever felt like this then you’ll know what i mean. 
          life has never been better. 


i feel like my writing has changed drastically over the course of what - a couple months?! it’s crazy to look at my first story compared to my story now. i would like to thank my fellow inspirations and their writing techniques! you might know who you are (maybe not). but i think it is fantastic that my vocabulary and many other things has advanced! 
          btw i’m sleep deprived s this is why it doesn’t make sense maybe