Okay so I need help finding a book on here. I remember reading it like two years ago and I don’t know if it’s still on here. It was about a man who cheated on his wife or fiancé, I can’t rent what their relationship status was but they were together. They have a son together and they go through the process of separating and her leaving him. He’s like a millionaire or billionaire and he try’s to win her back. There’s a scene where she sang on stage which she hasn’t done in a while. He does acts of kindness to prove he’s sorry, even let’s a homeless man move with him. He pays for a trip of hers to celebrate her publishing a book or something like that. They do eventually get back together and in the epilogue the son asks his dad to never hurt his mom again and he says he never will again.
If anyone can help me find the book on here I would really appreciate it, I don’t know why but I want to reread the book.