
FANS PEOPLE! I'm doing a research project. SO please can you drop me a line consisting of a few words, a sentence, an essay - whatever - about how you would identify/describe me and your general thoughts thereof.
          	If you hate me, you are still invited to participate! I am inviting you to tell me exactly what you think of me - no grudges, I promise.
          	Stick it in a personal message within the next two-three days and I will love you forever (despite what you may say about/to me).


FANS PEOPLE! I'm doing a research project. SO please can you drop me a line consisting of a few words, a sentence, an essay - whatever - about how you would identify/describe me and your general thoughts thereof.
          If you hate me, you are still invited to participate! I am inviting you to tell me exactly what you think of me - no grudges, I promise.
          Stick it in a personal message within the next two-three days and I will love you forever (despite what you may say about/to me).


@DahliaBedelia at the moment I'm actually working on like a prequel for Feral. i really felt like there wasn't enough background.
          Masked Birdman will appear in the revamped Feral as well (which is the second book) so it's probably going to be a while before we find out more about that. You and me included. But I'm about to go on a semi-holiday for a week so hopefully I'll just fricken force myself to get some of it done. I keep restarting it. Ah, writers. What a pain.
          If you're looking for something to read in the meantime, I definitely recommend @Haferness3. Her stuff's gooooood :) The Pawn's awesome. And no, that wasn't a typo - she doesn't do super smexy scenes in her books lol.
          Have a good one xx


Alright, to keep everyone up-to-date on nothing much really, I have recently got a new and awesome job writing content for a social media/digital marketing company. Unfortunately, this means I have a sh*t load of work and not a lot of time. BUT this also means I'm writing so that could possibly lead to the Feral revival that I've been promising (and not delivering) for ages.
          The problem with Feral is that I never really thought out the plot very much, which resulted in quite an awful story that didn't really flow and changed tones and characters like most people change underwear. But I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm sorting through the various problems that come with trying to write a realistic story about a teenage assassin (because that's hardly a realistic situation). The idea is to write a prologue first detailing Svana's life from the day she was taken in by ONICS and after that lead into two more books. I plan to write a large portion of the prologue (if not the whole damn thing) before uploading it so be patient. I don't want to keep saying "I'll upload the next chapter!" and then take a few months. Plus, it's easier to maintain continuity this way and edit throughout.
          The good news is that I think it will be do-able :) and that I love you all. Even though I have no idea how I have this many fans after such a long period of silence. 
          Anyway, much appreciation. Always xxx


@RansomRogers OH! Hell-Mary-the-restless-wicked person! Haha no problem. Sorry, I had no idea who you were and I've only checked your profile out now. I don't really come on wp that much anymore.
          Anyway, it's my pleasure :) it was/is a great story. Please feel free to write more (if you have written more, excuse my lack of manners - I literally scrolled down your written-stuff list and then left your profile again. I'm a bad fan).
          Have a great weekend!