Assalam to all muslim... hello to everyone..
Just wanna say thank u very much.. trima kasih bnyk2 baca story saya.. dah 20k for my first book.. 10k for my second..
So for those yg x baca any of my story.. all my story da completed.. feel free to read all of them.. first novel psal girl yg kne force khwin dgn teenage crush dia.. second novel lak psal heroin jd spy lps khwin dgn kwn baik abg sndri. Third novel psal heroin jmpe blk ngn hero bila heroin dtg blk Jepun.
Tbh, among my three story.. i love *Bila Kau Tahu* the most. I dont know y msih sikit reader story tu.. so korg usha2 la crte tu dlu.. klo x best ke apa ke, komen jee..
Thanks again... luv u all... hehe..
P/S: jgn lpe voteee