
Hey sis! Just a question you're Still making book covers~? 


@tae143fiction  oh it's good! I am thinking to start a new book and I want a cover for my book and then I remembered u so I thought to ask!  I will let u know to make my book cover a bit late


Hey! Could you pls check out my book (Jimin's ff) which I've recently updated and I hope you'll like it. It's an action romance ff, maybe be you will find it interesting to read it. If u like it then pls do vote and comment. Ty♥️


@micasa_jm yes sure ❣️❣️ i would love to 


Hey gurl 
          Thanks for  voting on Mrs Sarvagunsammpan....


@tae143fiction Really...
            Thanks and you can check my other stories too ..


@vminkookbiasedindian you deserve it tho  you have written an amazing FF 


Indic | related to India 
          Have millions of plots in mind but can't get them inked on paper?Don't know how to write?Facing trouble in making graphics? Or just want someone to review your work? 
          Here we are, The Indic Community. 
          We will help you with weaving words, making book covers, editing your work and also reviewing it.
          Being a rather new community we want many many people who will work with us. So click the read button of the hiring book and know more about us.
          धन्यवाद . शुक्रिया . Thank you