
Chapter 16 now uploaded to wattpad and pandamian, and it returns to the main story. I hope you like. ^^v 


I first have to explain why chapter 15 is shown as 'in dreams 1'. Given as a chapter 15 will be an 8-part short series, called 'In Dreams'. It's a somewhat long backstory, I hope you like it. 
          In Dreams 1 is uploaded to Wattpad and Pandamian. 


Chapter 12 has been added to wattpad and pandamian. 
          I learned that I have to do something grown-up-ish during the Saturday of Metro Comicon, thus I will not make an appearance there. Oh well. 
          I hope you are all doing well and still enjoying the series. ^^v


chapter 11 is added to wattpad, chapter 10 and 11 to pandamian. I did this in case the internet will be clogged tomorrow because of the long holidays. 
          I was at Summer Komikon btw giving out calling cards for the main site. I'm still contemplating if I will do the same at Metro ComiCon (May 7-8).