
hi loves! i'm back from my unofficial and terribly long hiatus. a hiatus that i'm extremely sorry for, but was also necessary. basically, the writer in me was in a coma or something after nearly drowning to death in school work. but, my recent shift into summer break has resuscitated it, and after reading books on wattpad again, i am inspired and DETERMINED to write. what books will come of this is yet to be decided.
          	anyways, the point of this message was to say that i updated 5 Stages. finally. after 2 years. yikes guys, i'm so awful at updating, i'm so sorry. i'm really going to try to be a lot better about that.
          	in other news, i'm toying with some ideas for a novel length book. not a poetry book. i may even be considering attempting to tackle a werewolf novel. but like a good one. this is most likely inspired by my reading of "Never Cry Wolf" by Farley Mowat, a biologist who spent a long period of his life living among wolves. my next novel may also have nothing to do with wolves. the beach is also on my mind after watching Outer Banks (anyone else? it's so. good.) so we shall see what will come of it.
          	i hope you are all doing well.
          	thank you for sticking with me through years of silence after briefly posting something i never thought would receive any attention.
          	you all rock!
          	what do u think of my ideas? how are you guys doing? you surviving this pandemic thing?
          	love you all, my dear lovelies.
          	xx kim


@imaginating_stories i binge watched it in two days- i am seriously in love with that show, especially all the beach vibes and especially their green hippie van ! wbu? have u wanted the whole thing? (i’m not sure how i feel about the ending)


@ele0411 ugh, i love outer banks so much!!!


@SydneyDruckman thank you! I'm excited to see what my wildly weird brain manages to come up with aha (:


hi loves! i'm back from my unofficial and terribly long hiatus. a hiatus that i'm extremely sorry for, but was also necessary. basically, the writer in me was in a coma or something after nearly drowning to death in school work. but, my recent shift into summer break has resuscitated it, and after reading books on wattpad again, i am inspired and DETERMINED to write. what books will come of this is yet to be decided.
          anyways, the point of this message was to say that i updated 5 Stages. finally. after 2 years. yikes guys, i'm so awful at updating, i'm so sorry. i'm really going to try to be a lot better about that.
          in other news, i'm toying with some ideas for a novel length book. not a poetry book. i may even be considering attempting to tackle a werewolf novel. but like a good one. this is most likely inspired by my reading of "Never Cry Wolf" by Farley Mowat, a biologist who spent a long period of his life living among wolves. my next novel may also have nothing to do with wolves. the beach is also on my mind after watching Outer Banks (anyone else? it's so. good.) so we shall see what will come of it.
          i hope you are all doing well.
          thank you for sticking with me through years of silence after briefly posting something i never thought would receive any attention.
          you all rock!
          what do u think of my ideas? how are you guys doing? you surviving this pandemic thing?
          love you all, my dear lovelies.
          xx kim


@imaginating_stories i binge watched it in two days- i am seriously in love with that show, especially all the beach vibes and especially their green hippie van ! wbu? have u wanted the whole thing? (i’m not sure how i feel about the ending)


@ele0411 ugh, i love outer banks so much!!!


@SydneyDruckman thank you! I'm excited to see what my wildly weird brain manages to come up with aha (:


hey everyone!
          so I've been on kinda a hiatus, but it's been hectic in my little corner of the world, so please bear with me...
          anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that I posted a new story titled "Five Stages." It is a short story, and will only be six parts including the intro. I know I've been pretty spotty with my updates, but I will try to update the last chapters of "Blue" and "Breathe" by the end of the year. I know that seems like a long time from now, and I am sorry for that! But I know that I can get the chapters done hopefully by New Years! It's sort of my "pre-new years resolution."
          just wanted to update you guys a little bit since I haven't really been on here since june! (again, I am so sorry!)
          I love you all, and thank you to those of you who still follow me! you rock!