
/    harry   potter   universe,       cb   &    specify   —   or   drop  something  !   


/ ⠀ yes pls! (:


You’re looking a little to hot to handle there Catrina. What’s the occasion?


@zabiniheiress    (  . . .  )     I    thought   I    always    looked    hot   ?    [        the   raven-haired   witch   teased   as   she   brushed   down   the   creases   in   the   dark   plum   dress  .    she   hummed   ,    a   gleam   showing    up   in   her   hues   as   she   looked over   her   shoulder   at   maya   ,    feigning   confusion .      ]       no   occasion .    [       an   innocent   grin   formed   on   her    features .    ]    can’t   I   just look   nice   ? 
            /    I’m   so   sorry   this    is   so   late   !   < 3


You’re looking a little pale there. What, can’t stand the sight of blood?


Well, he felt like he'd been run over by Merlin knows what. He'd certainly cracked a couple of ribs, that much was for sure. The extent of the rest of the damage remained largely unknown at this rate. Possibly because he hadn't been listening when Madam Pomfrey had been listing out all the possible problems. Too much pain and he had been a little high on whatever was in that potion she had given him to pay much attention. But he didn't need to give her any answers. No doubt Catrina already had some idea of how he was feeling. "Depends on who it was. They have an unfortunate habit of protecting certain people," he pointed out dryly, focussing instead on the second part of her questioning. That was nothing new, though that didn't mean he wouldn't find out on his own accord who the responsible party was. And when he did... there would be nothing that would help them. He'd make them suffer in ways they wouldn't even begin to comprehend, tear them apart so slowly they would end up begging him for a quick death.


@demonwithxn     ( . . . )       [           yaxley and her     certainly     had their    history     ,   that was for    sure     ,     but     it wasn’t     something she     was willing     to face     just yet .      they  hadn’t     exactly     ended things    smoothly .       largely    her fault    ,     more     than     anything     ,      due to personal     reasons of her own    that she wasn’t willing to share .        her mind drifted     off    from those thoughts     as he spoke     ,     squinting a little .     catrina often     had that      look about her      - -      as if     every move was an interrogation .       ]         sometimes happens ?      [          she repeated slowly ,    before shaking her head .      ]        with     you     ?      no .    it doesn’t .      [        the more     she was      hearing ,    the more she figured      this hadn’t     been an accident at all .       her jaw clenched        slightly ,    fingers     tapping      impatiently     on the arm of     her seat      .         ]            there     would     have   been     witnesses .       someone     will     fess up .    and     when they do ,    there     will be     appropriate     consequences    . . .        how do you feel    ? 


Well of course it was far more interesting to send Yaxley to her than anyone else.  Those two really had some differences they needed to work out. "I didn't see either one of them," he pointed out, giving her a half amused smile though it faded almost as quickly as it had appeared at her next words. She wasn't wrong there. Making mistakes wasn't something he did and an accident at Quidditch was new, even for him. After all, he was good at what he did. He wouldn't have been playing if he wasn't. "I can't say for sure. I didn't see what happened. One moment I was fine, the next I was laying on the ground. I possibly just didn't see the ball behind me. That happens sometimes." He wasn't going to admit to her he did have a sneaky feeling it had been deliberate, didn't want her to worry any more than she already was.


I don't understand what you want from me.


            [            she knew      there was       a      difference between      them .     she wasn’t stupid .    but equally ,     perhaps even selfishly ,       she was frustrated that he was feeling this way     ,      simply because she had thought everything had      been perfectly fine between them    .         ]         i’m not     using      you augustus     .      [         her eyes rolled slightly      at his     comment on moving on     .     how did he expect her to let this lie       now ?         ]           no ,    no .     we’re finishing         this conversation .        look . . .         [           a sigh left her lips       as her features softened slightly   ,      leaning forward in her seat    .        ]          everything I do         has an     angle .    my mother taught me        that       - -        every decision        requires evaluation     ,       a motive .    and believe     me ,     I take what I want       and I usually get it .             but    / this /   . . .       I believed        our friendship to be genuine .        not formed simply out          of politics       or manipulation ,     or   marriage        ideals .      it isn’t wasting my time          because I value     it .        [            she mused           ,        fingers tapping        on it      ,      as the corners of her mouth       curled upwards slightly        .           ]            if you truly wish       to find something that           I gain from this      ,       then      perhaps it’s because you’re         different from the other       cocky ,      arrogant        ,      pureblood men      I’ve had to deal with      .        . . .        but ,    anyhow  ,     I’m sorry that       you’re feeling this way .      


No, it had nothing to do with childish rumours. They were just words, things he barely listened to. What effect would they have in the long run if one didn't feed the fire fuel? It ran deeper than that, but he highly doubted she'd understand, or see it in the same light as he did. She was far too stubborn to let herself look at the larger picture, of what really was bothering him with the whole ordeal. With a sigh, he just shook his head, deciding there was no point in wasting his breath any further on it. He could push it to one side, completely ignore it like he had been doing. Nothing had to change. "Forget it, forget I said anything. I am merely feeling a little confused and I brought up something that really doesn't concern you," he told her instead, closing the subject down just as easily as he had brought it up. "I have no idea what I'm talking about and I don't know why I even mentioned it."


            [       her lips      pressed together into a thin line      - -       her frustration      was only deepening     with every additional word he spoke .    she would not restrict herself      to only speak with the members of the sacred twenty-eight    ,     simply     because     of her last name .     make no mistake ,    catrina valued her status    ,     and     often she used it to her advantage    ,      but there were often times were it was tiresome     being who she was .    a scoff left her lips ,     shaking her head      as she leaned back in her seat     ,     still as poised as     ever .       ]           you are     still a    / pureblood / .       you are not a traitor      and you do not associate yourself with     muggles     or     muggleborns    .     you’re perfectly respectable.        I’d hardly tarnish my own      reputation     by spending time with you .       i am not wasting my time ,       when you      are one of the few      i actually / enjoy /      being around ,     rather than simply having to tolerate .        [         in all honesty ,      the raven haired witch       felt like in his company     ,      there was finally      a moment       where she could step     back    from her obligations as a       Black      and allow herself   some peace .     to allow all tension to leave her .           ]           I know      how     politics work ,    augustus .          [          she stated     firmly    ,      stubborn hues      narrowed as she tilted her head to the side .        ]          if you were so      concerned     about this ,      then you should     have voiced it before .     you never brought      this up .    / why /    now    ?     surely it’s not just because      of      some childish rumours .    


❛how long has it been since you've slept?❜
          With exams well under way, and everyone stressed by them, it was no surprise to Maya that there were quite a few students who weren't getting the sleep they needed. Not that she ever expected Catrina to be one of those people. Her friend was usually unaffected by such things, though it seemed that wasn't the case this time, if the dark rings under her eyes and constant yawning was to say anything. With a furrow between her brow, Maya slid into the empty seat beside her at the library table. "How long has it been since you've slept?" she asked, concern lacing her voice as she reached over, pushing the numerous textbooks out of way for a moment. If she had to make a guess, she would have said at least two days, perhaps more.


The brunette was pretty sure a girls' night was not going to make Catrina feel any better. Maybe eight hours of sleep would help, but somehow she doubted that would be possible to achieve. With a sigh, she found herself leaning back in the chair, hands resting on the table in front of her, twirling the ring on her finger absentmindedly as she watched the witch stare at the pages before her. She didn't think there was much progress being made, and she wasn't sure why Catrina didn't give it a rest for now. She was only going to stress herself out further if she continued along this path. "I don't think that page holds the answers you're looking for," she finally spoke, having given them both a moment of silence to just think. "Come on, you need a breath of fresh air and a drink. Neither of which can be found in a library."


                      I’m / fine /  .       you know  me .      I’ll get what      I need from this      in the end .       I always do .      [           she teased     ,     voice surprisingly softer now ,      perhaps partly due to her exhaustion .          this was how      her mother had taught her to behave       .        ‘ be     the venomous     serpent     underneath poised skin     whenever     she needed to ,    but never break .    never crumble  .      for    that was weakness      ,     vulnerability and with vulnerability,     there was always           a loss of power .  even in front of those who you may trust ‘  .         catrina’s hand      would      lift from maya’s     ,    moving her gaze back       to the textbook in front of her     ,      fingers grazing over the page    as she avoided the burning stare from the other .          ]       I’ll have a girls night with you         tonight     if that makes you feel / any / better  .       I’ll relax . 


It was far too late for that. To witness the usually put together witch in this state was enough to cause her to worry. Catrina was the one of the few who managed to hold it together through most things, poised in a way her older sister certainly wasn't. And though her words and actions were no doubt meant to sooth Maya's worried mind, it truthfully had the opposite effect. After all, this was the first time she was stressing over/ exams/. Never before had Maya noticed that Catrina was all that concerned about her marks. There had to be more to the story. But she wouldn't press the issue, knowing she'd get no answer either way. Pursing her lips together instead, she simply nodded, as if accepting the Black witch's statement. "Well I sincerely hope for your sake that is true," she responded instead.


❛i had it under control. you didn’t need to do that.❜
          When he found the Black witch, his first thought was that he had no idea what was going on. Chaos was probably the best word to describe it, though even that was falling short. His second thought was to put an end to it as quickly as possible, before things got even worse. His wand was in his hand without even stopping to think about it, snapping off a knockback jinx at the swarm of Doxies that were buzzing viciously around the witch. Once the problem was sorted, he found himself raising an eyebrow at her, before gesturing slightly at were the creatures were now lying. Her comment had him shaking his head, tucking his wand away as he did. "I don't know if you did," he replied dryly.


No doubt they would notice, considering how often her cousin seemed to spend in detention. The moment he didn't show up, they'd start looking for him. But it was certainly tempting, to drop his body somewhere in the Forbidden Woods, never to see the light of day again. There would be others around the school who would no doubt be thankful for such a thing. Many had been on the receiving end of one of the marauders 'pranks'. "He's a fool. He never did stop to think things through when he threw it all away," the dark haired wizard scoffed, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "Never satisfied with what he had, always wanting more. But despite all that, despite leaving behind this life, it seems that his cruelty is inherent, something he can't escape, no matter how hard he tries. He's no different from the rest of us."


                      [          perhaps     it wasn’t so     unbelievable that     Potter or Black was behind this .      after all ,    adolph had a point .     the way they treated severus was quite     frankly ,    revolting     and childish .     they called      themselves pranksters      ,    but    / bullies / .    that’s what they were .     and yet they continued       to pretend that they weren’t .       ]        sirius ?       oh   /   please    /     .      he    is    a traitor to our family     name     .     he    doesn’t    / need   /   a reason        to start        meddling    with our lives       in such     petty ways .     he’s always       loathed     us .     thinking about it now ,      I wouldn’t     be surprised if      he    orchestrated the       entire     thing .      [              furious     hues narrowed        into slits     as her jaw     clenched      slightly .     enough was enough .            she     brushed down         the creases in her robes       ,     pursing her lips .       ]           foolish boy .     . . .           do you think      the      school will      notice          one less      marauder      trailing around     like   a lost puppy ?       


That had been his first thought as well. He certainly wouldn't have put it past Potter or Black to come up with such a harmful prank, despite what they may have said. Their reputations were just as tarnished as his own and no amount of lying would ever change that fact. "Don't underestimate the lengths they would go to," he replied, glancing at the fallen creatures with disgust. "You and I both know they are capable of this and more. One just has to witness what they do to Severus." Adolph wasn't a good person, and he knew that, but at least he could admit to that fact. They, on the other hand, refused to take a good long look in the mirror and see the truth staring back at them. "Did you say anything to your cousin lately? Perhaps he's got yet another problem with you or one of your sisters."