Ellenaaaaa <3

@Cynarr aww hehe yesss I always return eventually ^_^ just disappeared for longer than usual bc university has been dominating my life (cryy) It really is a horror isn't it XD It's going alright! It's 15000 words long so it's been a bit of a nightmare, but I'm nearing the end of it. Just having a slight case of writer's block on the remaining 2000 words, but I'll survive - I hope! I'm so happy you're doing well! Oh I have to catch up on your writing as soon as I can! I really miss reading your stories <3 how's work been going for you?

aaaaaaahhh omg, I squealed!!! you're hereeeeeee and omg, writing the thesis... I remember that horror xD good luck, how is it going??? I am gooood <3 writing a lot, working a lot, y'know how it goes but I is good :]

@Cynarr Rianneeeee sorry I'm so late replying! Disappeared for a while because thesis writing has been taking over my life. How are you??