Hi there everyone
I know it has been yet another eternity since I have posted consistently, but my motivation & inspiration has reached new levels & I’m really excited to announce that I’ve written FOUR new full books that I’m in the process of editing & will be posting very shortly! I have a book titled ZELLA’S DAY, one book titled MR. RATTLEBONE, & the second & third books to THE UNKNOWN series completed which are called THE UNSEEN & THE UNDYING.
I am also currently posting parts for a collection of thoughts/excerpts/poetry for a project I titled AIRLESS. It has been in the works for about two years & I still have plenty to add to it. But there’s about two—three works worth of content to post, so I hope that that can hold my readers over while I prepare to post my full books.
THE WOLF CLUB is still in its stages of being written which I do apologize for. As I know I talked about it being finished before 2017 ended & that did not happen unfortunately. But I am currently working on it officially now & hope that it can be completed soon. It is a new year & I have so much coming your way for 2019!
As always, thanks to everyone for votes/reads/comments & support. So far UNHOLY HABITS has reached 3,840 reads and THE WOLF CLUB is #77 for realistic books. I am incredibly grateful & really hope that given the new year I can get even more reads & votes for books that YOU will love. As always, please leave feedback, requests, ideas, comments, etc & I will always get back to you.
Thank you!
Troubled Peach