hey, it's been a little bit since i've been on. i've been here, thorough lurking, i'll admit lol. however, i've been struggling with finding work.. got screwed over by disability because, what i have "isn't considered debilitating by law"
so after giving them all the doctors i've been too, while on top of actively seeing a neurologist every 6 - 7 months for migraines and back pain... my condition can't be covered by disability..?
i have tests proving that i have very slow brain waves and issues on each level on my spine... which is are symptoms of a neurological disorder i was born with..
but i'm not even mad, i'm actually amused and laughed when i got denied.
but anyway, thats pretty much why i've been a bit inactive. now i'm trying to sell journals on amazon, but the three i trying to publish are still in review so we'll see where that goes.
also, i've been grinding on these paid survey sites and apps that pay pennies but it's some form of income, so i'm alright with that lol.
so sorry for this being a long post, i just wanted to give you all an update and to remind those who i owe r4r's, i haven't forgotten about you at all <3 I am still reading all your stories. don't worry!
and for all the ones who are returning to school, or are in school now - I hope everything is going well for you. :D <3
love you all, take care, and be safe!
<3 <3 <3