
@Dreaming567 niceeeee! : D


helloo :), I just want to ask you something, but first I'd like to say that you're a really good writer and I really like your story's, BUT (and it's a big one :P) why don't you finish any of them and start new story's which you don't finish either?? But as I said, I really like your story's it's just a pity you never finish them :(. I hope you don't hate me now o.o. xxx Renate


ofc i dont hate you haha thanks for your honest opinion! i know (and its such a bad habit) that i almost never finish my fanfics. I just run out of inspiration easily, but get new ideas for other things and then i get excited to write that and thats just how it goes. which one would you like to see getting finished? :) xxx