
Just a friendly reminder that you are wonderful! No matter where you are in the world, just know that you are loved, and even if everyone else around you hates you... I'm always here for you! 
          Thank you so much for joining the bean plant! I could never be where I am without you! If there's ever anyone you need to be... taken care of... I'm here! If anyone hurts you, let me know! 
          Love you, bean!


Hey hey? Are you okay? You sad?  This is a chain to see how your Doing! Send this to all your friends who have it hard and have been helpful to you when your Sad! 
          Send this to 5 people and the person you sent this too loves you 50x 
          Send this to 10 people and the person you sent this too loves you 100x WOAH! 
          Send this to 50 people and goshdarn! YOUR 1000x LOVED LUCKY YOU!! 
          Keep this chain going and have a lovely day
          :: Hihi a rat has entered your domain to wish u a lovely day~