I planned to post chapter 30 today but it's not working out. I'm revising it but school has started so it will take a few more days. Sorry guys! Will work on it.
Do u still write.. if the book is available online now... am ready to pay... I like your writing even it inspires me. I loggin wattpad to check for your updates alone for years to count... I don't know what happened to you. What are you doing now.. I really wish good luck and safe... still am wondering how could abandon this super duper story....
Hey I hope that everythings fine. I really can't wait to read the rest of your book. I hope that you'd come back and update soon. Your book has a certain thing that makes me read it overand over again. I think this is like the 4th time I read those 2 books. I'm really curious to know what happens next. I hope that Adrian won't end up loosing everything and I'm dying to know what happened to Victoria.
So update soon xD
Hey! Even though the story isn't complete. It stills calls me to read it again and again. Please update soon. Very curious to find out how everything will come out in the open. And also what happened to Victoria?