
Please follow sowny and check out her book covers and her book cover shop 


          It's me, Umber
          And I know you don't wanna be friends with me anymore and all... and I understand...
          But you can block this account of mine after you read this post, okay...? Pls...
          First of all, I'm really sorry...
          But it wasn't my fault, neither was it my friends... I apologize sincerely, though...
          I do know this person who has a Book Cover Shop...
          I'm not exactly friends with them, so you don't need to worry about if this will be the same story all over again...
          I just feel really bad because I just left u here with an incomplete order after making u wait for so long...
          This is their user: 
          They have their cover shop. Here's the link:
          And I know you probably don't trust me anymore, but I feel really bad rn, so I'm just recommending you this person...
          They have a lot of experience too, so it won't be like how it was with me and my friend...
          You can check it out if u want... it's worth a try, right?
          I'm not forcing you into anything, but it's just a recommendation of mine, coz I don't want u to be under a lot of stress coz of me...
          Or, at least, I want to reduce that stress, ig...
          Anyways, it's ur choice... this is just a recommendation, so that u don't have to keep searching for Cover shops...
          Once again, I'm really sorry...
          I guess this is a goodbye then...


Just wanted to ask u abt the book covers


@Ghost_of_Lady_Umber can you get back to me today about my questions please 


@Ghost_of_Lady_Umber ok has she let you know things


@Ghost_of_Lady_Umber how are you doing my sister is just as good as she can be she she told me to say thank you for doing the book covers for me and you friend 




@Ghost_of_Lady_Umber can you friend put some titles on some of the book covers for me please 


@Ghost_of_Lady_Umber I have sent you the full 12 pictures for the 12 book covers 