will someone talk abt the cobra kai finale w me plzzzz

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@janiabeans honestly i think it was kinda lazy and rushed of them to spend so much of the screen time on USELESS character backgrounds like fucking chosen? who cares omfg no offense he’s not a bad characters but like oh my god i don’t need another goddamn john kreese flashback. i think they spend too much time on characters that don’t matter to the point where they push away the characters who’s arcs they’ve been building up for the entire show. i think demetri and eli’s arcs were lazy and imo demetri ending up with yasmine is so weird?? idk i have too many opinions for my own good i think

@elismohawk OKAY YAY firstly i’ve seen soooo many people talking about how they nerfed hawk or how he became a side character in part 3 but i think his character arc honestly ended in season 4 when he had his big all valley win?? it just made more sense that part 3 was focused on the lawrence’s and the diaz’s