Hello sparkle... How have you been? I miss you ಥ_ಥ are you still active here? Or will you ever be back? I love your book "who"Will it be updated? Please be back╥﹏╥

@WhatToWrite50 ❤️ yea feels like a dead person who’s living. Okay jk, Uhm let’s just say my life rn is kinda hectic. Yk the life where teenagers struggling with their education and all but I’m doing fine though. Thank u for ur concern, hun! Take care! Sorry for the late reply. I didn’t get the notification. Plus, stay safe

It's okay, as long as you are fine ❤ how have you been? And also good luck for the exam❤

Hi! You’re so nice! I’m touched ❤️ But I’m not really active here now bcs of my preparation for an important exam. Plus, I feel unmotivated to continue writing. But here u are, still waiting for me to update. Thank you! I’m truly sorry for responding late. Plus, It’s been like ages since I wrote the book,kinda forgot the storyline. I’m trying to work on it. Again, I’m so sorry :(