Hello there, eliz. Just stopping by to say thank you so much for following me. You're amazing for it ❤️ Always curious to know how people found my account and why they followed, so feel free to share ;) Haha, even if you don't feel like sharing, still, thanks so much for the follow. It means a ton to me ^.^
- Cross
Forgot to mention that your book The Dragon's Scale was the reason I followed you. Wanted to make sure I got notifications to any updates!
Hi Cross,
Still coming out of my holiday fog and found your message hidden in my notifications:)
I came across your account on Dreamland discord. Wonderful place that I'm still getting familiar with. So many writing things I'm still getting familiar with but I'll get there one day!
Thanks for reaching out to me!!
I'm working on it now. Another user, Zoe_Blessing gave me the heads up. Her story for the Southwest contest is fantastic. It's called Ghost on Vacation. I love reading really good stories. The act makes us all better writers.