
Alright everyone! Now that Mave is a real-life published book on Amazon, I am finding myself spread pretty thin running the various social media things for my author handle.  Since I don't have a large following on Wattpad, I am probably going to unpublish or deactivate my account here pretty soon.  So, if you were reading Ben's story, I apologize but rest assured--I'm writing this book and will be publishing it! You can follow me on Instagram or Facebook, or join my Facebook group for teasers and whatnot.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/488842062247264


Alright everyone! Now that Mave is a real-life published book on Amazon, I am finding myself spread pretty thin running the various social media things for my author handle.  Since I don't have a large following on Wattpad, I am probably going to unpublish or deactivate my account here pretty soon.  So, if you were reading Ben's story, I apologize but rest assured--I'm writing this book and will be publishing it! You can follow me on Instagram or Facebook, or join my Facebook group for teasers and whatnot.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/488842062247264


Heads up! I'm going to unpublish Mave this weekend to prepare for publication via Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. So last chance to read the unedited draft! You'll be able to read for free on Kindle Unlimited on 4/30 :) I will try to keep posting Ben chapters as I write them, as well.  
          Oh also, send me a message if you want an ARC copy of Mave and are willing to leave a review.  I've got my eye on a few of you already ;)


Hey everyone! I just wanted to drop a note to let you guys know that I'll be publishing Mave's story on Amazon in April (pre-order is set for 4/30 but I hope to move it up).  So, if you've stuck Mave in your reading list, get moving! I'll be taking it down to a two-chapter sample probably in the next couple of weeks.


AND THAT'S A WRAP! I can't believe it, but I just typed THE END and hit "complete" on my very first story. For those of you that have read to the end-- thanks for sticking with Mave for 133,000 words!
          So what's next? 
          I'm in the process of having a custom cover made, and then I'll likely have the story edited by a professional. Then I'll publish it on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! 
          Also, I fell in love with Ben as I was writing this story, and I felt like he needed his own HEA, so I'm hoping to write a novella-length story for him and Thad! I'll most likely continue to post chapters as I write them here.
          After that? I dunno! We'll see if anyone reads my stuff. I certainly don't have the following on Wattpad that a lot of authors do, but I'm hoping to get a little more exposure once I publish. 
          Ultimately, this is a hobby I'm passionate about--I won't be quitting my day job any time soon. But I have other story ideas, all of which are in the new adult genre and the academy setting. Some contemporary, some lightly paranormal like Mave. Some MF, some RH. 
          Thank you to the few of you who have been my loyal readers here.  Honestly, if I've kept even one of you hooked and made a fan, I'm happy with the endeavor.
          Please follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you want to keep up with the publishing schedule, see the new cover, etc.
          Thanks! -EMD


Thank You 


Two more chapters just went up! We are so, so close to the end here, y'all.


WOW That would be awesome : Thank you 


@charbo61 I might write a novella for Ben and Thad...


❤️ them both  
            I am not sure if I want the story to end   and thank you again 


Would love to hear from anyone who actually lays eyes on my story!   Just trying to write a story I want to read, and turns out I'm enjoying the process.  Thx - EMD


Thank you THANK YOU 


@charbo61 Just for you I will post a few more chapters.


I am reading and I ❤️it ! 
            Waiting for the story to unfold. Knox n his Dad are  
            I know Dad is keeping his Fated on the side but who is the child?? 