
Hi thanks for sharing I really understand and relate to your story. Yea I was 7 and he was like 20 something and he was like let's play a game I didn't really understand but after he said don't tell anyone it's just between us.and now it's like reoccurring nightmare of what he did and he probably forgot what he did while it's replaying over in my head for me. I'm sorry I'm springing this on you


You're welcome your story means a lot to me too but I want you to know we can get through this 


No don’t apologize! You’re the first person I’ve met that has the closest situation to me. As much as the situation sucks, I’ve never been more happier to know that I’m not alone and someone else has gone through almost the same thing and is still struggling just as much as I am. He used to take me to the basement when our family was out and would go from there and kept making me promise not to tell anyone but I didn’t say anything cause I didn’t understand what he was doing but as I got older I kept coming up with excuses to not sit next to him or be around him or  anything. Thank you for your response you don’t know how much it means to me!! <3