
So it's been a while Wattpad, but I'm currently back and have updated DYKWII...I have deleted 2 stories from my account, really bad stories that I will obliterate from existence (JK). But I hope you guys like my update. Spoilers into my high school life. And I will post a new part on DIAP but that will be on February 14, 2016, that will be the last update for DIAP...BUT there probably will be a sort-of sequel about high school life and band (not just about Dana now..teehee). That should be interesting, I actually will be asking you guys sometimes what you want me to explain or tell you guys about (and I might). Btw, that sort-of sequel will not come out until the last update of DIAP and until I answer #5 of DYKWII. And no, me and my other don't have a ship name...his annoying/sometimes nice friends tried, that didn't go well. Well, RIP me and I hope you all survive finals. -Arwynn


So it's been a while Wattpad, but I'm currently back and have updated DYKWII...I have deleted 2 stories from my account, really bad stories that I will obliterate from existence (JK). But I hope you guys like my update. Spoilers into my high school life. And I will post a new part on DIAP but that will be on February 14, 2016, that will be the last update for DIAP...BUT there probably will be a sort-of sequel about high school life and band (not just about Dana now..teehee). That should be interesting, I actually will be asking you guys sometimes what you want me to explain or tell you guys about (and I might). Btw, that sort-of sequel will not come out until the last update of DIAP and until I answer #5 of DYKWII. And no, me and my other don't have a ship name...his annoying/sometimes nice friends tried, that didn't go well. Well, RIP me and I hope you all survive finals. -Arwynn


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