
Hello everyone, this is kind of an important message that I’ve been working on wording for the past couple days and I think I came to a good conclusion that gets right to the point. Its w a heavy heart that I’m going to officially discontinue That 90’s Vibe, I’m so sorry. I just can’t find it in myself to finish writing a story about someone I don’t support anymore, it just doesn’t feel right. I’m also not sure if I’ll be working on this account anymore, I think I’ll be working on my other one full time from now on. You’re more than welcome to still read these books and leave me comments, I just won’t be publishing anymore content on this account. You can follow my other account if you’d like (@-WHOREFORANIME) since I’ll be be in there more now. Again, I’m so sorry about this.



this message may be offensive
Ok whores! Ik it’s like hella late (or early depending on where you are) BUT I HAVE A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT AHHHHHHH. Ok so unforch it’s not about any of my book on this account, sorry. But it is about my second account, FUCK YEAH. Ok, so this new account is @-WHOREFORANIME and I just put out my first story in that account so yeah you should totally go check it outttttttttt <3 


Hey, it’s me, I’m depressed lol


if you need someone to talk to or vent to i’m here bestie <3 