
          	ohhhg !!! Lol I was like who's this .. Lol
          	and thankyouuu ~~~   (: 


hey everybody! thanks for becomig my fan and .. reading  my very first story!:) well ... the last chapter was posted the other day.. and im thinking of writing another story. and i dont know what to write, so i was wondering if you guys can help me! please send me a messge telling me what my story should be like and summery of it! if i like it, ill take your idea and i wil dedicate it to you! thanks guys!:D


@AdviceGirl88  teehee thanks! and haha really?! you like it thaaat much?! woww i am rraaaaly suprised and happy! like i thought my story will always be in the corner.. never really been read my anyone..:( but i cant beilive that this is happening!!!:D and haha oki doki and shes a better writer than me ;)  and i will!!!:D


@chickenfinguregurl haha thanks! i really like literally love you! hha casue like you are the first person that actuallly commented on my story that doesnt like know me in real life! you are my best frieend now;) and  theree is this one story called ' adopted into a family of 26' by netreamm.. its my friend's storry;) and i also like a story called ' being gorgeous' thats the two stories i actually like..:S you might not like it though ... im sorry if i didnt realy help you..:( well thanks agan!