
I'm rereading OAB and noticing so many spelling mistakes or parts of writing that i dislike, so if you see any updates, no the book is not being updated, just edited 
          	in other news, I've been thinking of writing another hamliza modern au. but making it better than OAB HAHAHHA


I'm rereading OAB and noticing so many spelling mistakes or parts of writing that i dislike, so if you see any updates, no the book is not being updated, just edited 
          in other news, I've been thinking of writing another hamliza modern au. but making it better than OAB HAHAHHA


idk if any of you have ever seen bridgerton but the urge to rewrite it as hamliza is very strong


HELLO?? I TOOK A BREAK FROM WATTPAD AND OAB IS AT 8K READS AND #4 IN HAMLIZA?? thank you for all the support  I once again redirect you to my new account below, where I'll post more personal writing as opposed to fanfiction


hey! to those of you who are still following me & are still interested in my work, I have a new account @fetchingangel where I will upload my writing but of things that aren't fandom-based.
          I'm sorry, I know I promised more hamliza but I cannot find the muse for it at the moment. :(
          on fetchingangel, I want to be anonymous and don't want to be addressed as Ella, but if you forget, that's fine too!
          I am currently writing a squid game rewrite with me and my friends, but the catch is, it's all completely luck based.
          You will also see a new book on there (eventually) which USED to be a Hamilton fanfiction, but I am rewriting it to be a completely original book! It's all explained on the first page, but that won't be released until the first chapter is. 
          anyways, I'm really sorry for disappearing again. It was never my intention to drop a singular fanfiction and dip, to be honest I've tried to write hamliza a multitude of times since OAB but I've never found it hit my heart in the same way. Still, I want to write it again someday. But for now I want to also fill my desires for writing more personal or fun stuff!
          so go check out @fetchingangel if you're still interested in seeing my writing. I love you all<3!!


7K overall reads and 1.15K reads on the first chapter of OAB
          you guys are insane oh my god


@felinefruity this means so much to me thank you!! i dropped out of the ham fandom ages ago but im still glad people like my stories:]! i do hope to keep writing it eventually


@ellabellaIou i’ve left the ham fandom and oab is the only hamfic i come back to read <3


ive been thinking of a plot for a new hamliza book bc im unhappy with your highness and the other one i had in the drafts
          but now im on holiday and have very little time to think abt it cause i be climbin mountains
          anyways! im coming back from hiatus soon, but as i mentioned before, i want to plan out this story a lot better than OAB because i don't want it to be as messy or inconsistent!
          also most of you said you liked modern the most so ill probably do another modern hamliza :] just different character personalities and different storyline, so it seems like different characters altogether


asking for a friend, what's everyone's favourite era of fanfics? like, royalty, modern, 90s, etc


            Kinda depends...
            I love historical (18-19th century stuff), but modern is really cool and I love reading/writing it


@ellabellaIou it depends on what it is, really. If it’s Hamilton stuff, I like it modern or royalty.


im so sorry for disappearing for so long. life has not been kind to me recently.
          I intend to get back into writing as soon as I sort things out with myself. I have no idea when that could be. I love you all and I appreciate the consistent support on OAB :)<3


@helplessxschuyler you're so sweet <3 im glad it could make you happy!


@ellabellaIou OAB literally gave me so much happiness earlier this year i’m so grateful :’)