
Hi elle_zzle!
          I wanted to introduce you to Wèbnovel - a platform dedicated to creating and sharing original works of fiction. One of our core focuses is our writing contest, which allows aspiring authors an opportunity to get their work noticed.
          I recently stumbled upon your writing and was blown away by your talent and creativity. It's clear that you have a great imagination, and I think you would really benefit from sharing your work on our platform.
          I'd love to invite you to join Wèbnovel's community of writers. We have a Discord group where you can connect with other writers and get feedback on your work, as well as our website - www.Wèbnovel.com or wsa.Wèbnovel.com - where you can publish and share your stories with readers from around the world.
          I'm excited to see what kind of creative stories you can come up with. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
          Best regards,