
Trying to rewrite Torn Apart and am forgetting what happened in The Immortal Ones. Guess I’ve gotta go through the embarrassment of reading old works
          	-Raven x


I needed to find out who was actually alive in the story. It was surprisingly a lot of characters. I must have been feeling generous


Uh oh, that's never fun.


Hi, I love your stories and I have just published my first fan fiction. I was hoping you could read it and maybe give me some feedback. If you are willing to read it, my story is called The Treachery In Our Midst and is about Sanguine making a deal with China that triggers a series of unfortunate events.


Trying to rewrite Torn Apart and am forgetting what happened in The Immortal Ones. Guess I’ve gotta go through the embarrassment of reading old works
          -Raven x


I needed to find out who was actually alive in the story. It was surprisingly a lot of characters. I must have been feeling generous


Uh oh, that's never fun.


So I don't know how many of you are still interested in or reading Torn Apart but hopefully that should be getting some more updates soon.
          I've finally finished my exams and am on holiday until September so I've got time to write now. Let me know if you still want an update or you want any other stories to be updated.
          Love you guys
          -Raven x


Ugh. Instead of working on Torn Apart and actually updating that, and instead of editing Rise of Lord Vile what do I go and do?
          I go and start a fricking new fanfic. And of course the idea won't leave my head and I probably won't even finish it and I'm sorry I'm such a terrible writer guys.
          Maybe I'll give ROLV  a look, I don't know.
          Sorry about the useless message, just thought I'd keep you guys updated on the progress I've made which is absolutely none. Yeah. So, sorry guys.
          -Raven x


@Ellen_sugarcube4  well if you need inspiration for your old stories, just re-read them while listening to some music (a good playlist maybe) and you'll get new ideas for it. It works for me


So I've decided to rewrite The Rise of Lord Vile.
          I believe I wrote in 2014, and I'm pretty sure my writing style has changed a lot since then. There are also lots of things I dislike about that story which I hope to change and hopefully improve.
          No idea how long it will take, it all depends on school and exams and everything else. But I hope to finish it at lease.
          I doubt any new stories will be posted anytime soon, and don't expect an update for Torn Apart either.
          Thanks to all of you who continue to support my writing and everything still, and I'm sorry for how inactive I've been.
          -Raven x