
hey guys, I normally follow back all of my followers but unfortunately I’ve reached the following limit that wattpad allows, so I can’t follow back anymore :(


I am two followers away from 300. TWO. Wow, just wow. I know it’s not much of a feat, but when I first joined this site, I didn’t think I’d get a single follow or a single vote on my stories. Since then, I haven’t done anything truly impressive, but when I say I appreciate every view, comment, and follow, I mean it. I’m so happy to be a part of this community. I hope you all remember that even if you don’t get votes or followers right away, you will! Keep writing, keep improving, and keep moving forward <3


Hey guys, Fire and Stardust is officially entered in the Wattys! Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to edit it all, so check out chapter one, chapter two, and the final scene of chapter eight for all of the edits that have been made! Hallie’s character was almost completely changed, as was the tone of the narrative. Other than that, there are a few minor details I changed that is worth the extra read.
          On another sad note, Fire and Stardust is on hiatus until Wattys winners are announced in late September 2019. Anything published after the Wattys deadline becomes ineligible, which means the edits I have can’t be published. Although new chapters can be published—they just won’t be considered for the contest—the new chapters would also follow the edited format and timeline, leaving the book messy and confusing.  However, I will finish editing and work on new parts behind the scenes, posting them as soon as the Wattys are over.
          While you wait…
          I am excited to announce the arrival of a PREQUEL to Fire and Stardust! It’s called Sparks and Steel and deals mainly with Hallie and Asher’s shared past. It will have consistent updates during FAS’s hiatus, so you can look forward to seeing some of your favorite characters!
          As always, thank you all for your patience with the inconsistent, busy Wattys season, as well as all of your views, comments, votes, and follows. Check in with my profile for more news, keep an eye out for the arrival of Sparks and Steel, and go check out the edited sections of Fire and Stardust I mentioned!


Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that I’m going to start unpublishing chapters of Fire and Stardust to edit them for the Wattys. All chapters will be new & improved by this Friday, the 26th, and the book will be entered in the Wattys by the 27th.


The Wattys are coming up, and Fire and Stardust qualifies! Before I enter it, though, I’ll have to edit every chapter one by one to hopefully give it a better chance of winning. There won’t be anything too major, but you might want to go skim the old chapters for changes in unrealistic fight scenes, unrealistic injuries, and Hallie’s character. Unfortunately, this will delay updates for a while. Thanks for your patience!


Chapter 8 of Fire and Stardust has temporarily been taken down for some necessary editing. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, but my goal is to have it back up sometime this weekend. Thank you for your patience.