
@Clueless_Romantic thats ok i will read ur other story once i finish the one im reading!!! :P xxx


I see you wanted a story to read :) Um, I have a friend on here that you might know, and she's a good writer. Clueless_Romantic, so if you haven't read her books, do, and if you wanted to check out mine, it would also be appreciated :)


Just wanted you to say, "Thanks so much for fanning. Even though you may be scanning. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.. Even without giving out at fit.  Every single bit you do. Everything you say too! I just wanted to make this little poem. Take this as a sign of A totum ?? " gahaha , just had to find something that rhymed.. ! KAY and again I appreciate you for fanning!


updated Imaginary Friend, please check out and vote ? Thanks so much, love you guys! This chapter is kinda weird, if you ask me.. BUT the next chapter will be Grrreaaatt! Alrightyy , please read, vote, and comment whatcha thinkk ! (: loves youuuzz ! (btw love your books!)