
Broke my hand 


Story request
          Dark brown- medium length hair 
          Caramel skin color 
          Dark brown eyes 
          Loud- emotional- creative- lazy
          Make story about Kevin Salazar. Bruhitzkevin.  So character is in high school and meets kevin. He is a school fboy but his friends date him to sleep with her for a month and then break her heart. Make it have drama!  Pictured of what she wears, eats, drinks, etc. Do the same for Kevin. 


Please read my jacob sartorious fanfic idk if its good and i need feedback i just started tho


I just posted chapter two


I just wanted to give all my followers some important news. So, as you all may know, I sprained my knee at a soccer game about a month ago. This afternoon I went to the doctors (finally) and got x-rays and stuff. Pending my MRI I'm getting in the next few months, my orthopedic specialist is thinking either patellar tendinitis (inflammation of the tendons that hold my patella in place) or a torn meticulous (the cartilage in between the end of my knee and tibia beneath my patella). Depending on which it ends up being I'm going to have to go through physical therapy and possible a surgery (but very unlikely). I'm probably not going to be posting for a long time. I dont even have things typed uo right now and I need to focus on getting better and stuff. I love each and every one of you for putting up with me never updating! Stay Gold! 


Sorry. Typo. I'm getting my MRI in the next few days not months. 


Hey if you coughs when you feel better i kinda want a Jacob imagine. My name's Lexi and I'm 12  (almost 13 [his birthday is literary 3 days before mine plus a year]) ok i have long wavy brown hair and brown eyes and I'm really sassy, sentimental, a little shy, smart, and caring. And i kinda want it to be sad/cute/dirty. Anywho thanks!


Hey can i have a Jacob Sartourious imagine? (Sorry of anything is spelt wrong xD) My name is Keziah Galan i havbe long black hair, tan skin, dark brown eyes. I am hyper, sporty, bubbly, quite intelligent, and humorous. Can we be 8 years old in this imagine, because i want it to take place in second grade, cute imagine.