
Happy New Year beautiful people ❤️
          	2022 was the year I finally took the plunge to try writing again, something I hadn’t done since the beginning of high school. I’ve slowly started building a little world with imperfect characters I absolutely adore. I can’t wait to continue Azaleas story into 2023.
          	Thank you to every single one of you that’s taken a moment to read my story. It means more to me than you’ll ever know xx 


Happy New Year beautiful people ❤️
          2022 was the year I finally took the plunge to try writing again, something I hadn’t done since the beginning of high school. I’ve slowly started building a little world with imperfect characters I absolutely adore. I can’t wait to continue Azaleas story into 2023.
          Thank you to every single one of you that’s taken a moment to read my story. It means more to me than you’ll ever know xx 


Merry Christmas Lovlies ❤️
          I hope your having the most amazing day and for those who are having a tough time this year I hope the lastest chapter I just uploaded can be a small source of escape from reality for you xx


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Sneak peak of the upcoming chapter because I’m genuinely so chuffed that I could finally put into words this feeling,
          Because when your so physically low you don’t have the energy to retwire thoughts, to fight them, to remind yourself of the good that still exists despite all the shit. To remember that when the numbness fades you do care.
          They are just there and it can feel like your swimming in them, trying to stay afloat. but swimming quickly turns into drowning, because again your tired, your bodies tired, your mind is tired. You have no more fight left in you because you were already done before you even stepped foot into the water.
          P.s I promise it’s got some happy in the chapter to x 


hey, just wanted to say thanks for adding "the one without words" to your reading list! i hope you have a great rest of your week <3


@isabellaelina aw so glad to hear :")) thank you!


Of course I absolutely love your book! I’m half way through it currently and your writing style just has me hooked ❤️