oh MY GOD.
I was inactive for a very long time, I'm so sorry about that.
the school really has been brutal,,,
anyways, some of you have reached out to me in my DMs and honestly,, Thank You So much.
I unpublished Changes for a while, but I plan to bring it back by the month end..? With a better plot, better characters and everything.
It was really Nice knowing the book wasn't an utter nuisance I thought it was.
The thing is, I did a very half-assed job with Changes. Only updated when I wanted to, just winged Katsuki and Y/n's character. Some points were so off I just- didn't feel confident about it.
Well, Now imma go and yeet myself into a gdoc and fic the stuff and then re-publish :))
I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, thank you all so much for your support!!!
I know it's too much for me to ask, but please continue to be patient with me and support me. Not only me, but to all the writers out there.
It really makes us happy. Thank you, again.