
I’m gonna unpublish Simply Cargo and Self Control for now because I fr don’t have the motivation to write them at the moment and they don’t get many views and stuff, so I’m gonna focus more on The Story Of Calliope Hart and Regretful Decisions right now. 


I’m gonna unpublish Simply Cargo and Self Control for now because I fr don’t have the motivation to write them at the moment and they don’t get many views and stuff, so I’m gonna focus more on The Story Of Calliope Hart and Regretful Decisions right now. 


Guys I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in awhile. My mental health has been the worst it’s ever been and I’ve had no motivation to do anything. I’m gonna try and write chapter 9 of TWD - The Story Of Calliope Hart, but there’s no promises. Again, I’m so sorry!


I hope you’re doing okay <3


Someone convince me not to write a Spider-Man fic, I’m like sitting here thinking of how it could play out, who a possible OC could be and all that stuff but I feel like I should finish my current book before I go off making another one. But at the same time, I have so many ideas for this book  (it’s not gonna be a Peter x OC book, there’s no love story there.)