
'When we give feedback, we notice that the receiver isnt good at receiving it. When we receive feedback, we notice that the giver isnt good at giving it.'
          	(Some sentences written on Thanks for the feedback's introduction)
          	Do you agree?


@ elly_elian  Then, is there any purpose behind those types of feedback? Absolutely yes!
          	  Appreciation: to see, aknowledge, connect, motivate, thank.
          	  Coaching: to help receiver expand the knowledge, sharper skill, improve capability.
          	  Or, to address the giver's feeling or an imbalance in the relationship.
          	  Evaluation: to rate or rank against a set of standards, to align expectations, to inform decision making.
          	  Sometimes, evaluations contain judgements that go beyond the assessment itself: not only you didnt qualify in the backstroke, but also you were naive to think you would, and so, once again, you've fallen short of your potential. The judgement that you are naive or falling short is not based on the assessment, it's an additional layer of opinion on top of it. It is the bullwhip of negative judgment - from ourselves or others - that produces much or our anxiety around feedback.


@ elly_elian  There are 3 types of feedback: appreciation, coaching, and evaluation.
          	  Here are the example of those types. Some of them are based on the book, and the rest are made up by me.
          	  I know how hard you've been working.
          	  You matter to me.
          	  Thank you.
          	  Good job!
          	  You don't make your main cast a priority.
          	  How many times you revised your writing?
          	  I believe you can do it!
          	  You are not the best author in wattpad.
          	  I don't like your story.


Saya suka lihat kamu kasih feedback ke story org. Keliatan kamu bener2 baca storynya bukan sekedar boomvote. Kalo ga keberatan baca cerita aku yuk, mgkn msh byk kesalahan sebagai pemula... Thanks before. 


No worries, Elly. Thank you uda menyempatkan diri mampir ke karya saya. Much appreciate ^^


@ genitest saya sangat lambat dalam membaca cerita bergenre romance, (selain itu jg sedang ngebut menamatkan bbrapa buku non-fic). Apa itu tidak masalah kalau sy lama mengomentarinya? Masih ada penulis yg belum saya cek sampai update terbarunya :)


'When we give feedback, we notice that the receiver isnt good at receiving it. When we receive feedback, we notice that the giver isnt good at giving it.'
          (Some sentences written on Thanks for the feedback's introduction)
          Do you agree?


@ elly_elian  Then, is there any purpose behind those types of feedback? Absolutely yes!
            Appreciation: to see, aknowledge, connect, motivate, thank.
            Coaching: to help receiver expand the knowledge, sharper skill, improve capability.
            Or, to address the giver's feeling or an imbalance in the relationship.
            Evaluation: to rate or rank against a set of standards, to align expectations, to inform decision making.
            Sometimes, evaluations contain judgements that go beyond the assessment itself: not only you didnt qualify in the backstroke, but also you were naive to think you would, and so, once again, you've fallen short of your potential. The judgement that you are naive or falling short is not based on the assessment, it's an additional layer of opinion on top of it. It is the bullwhip of negative judgment - from ourselves or others - that produces much or our anxiety around feedback.


@ elly_elian  There are 3 types of feedback: appreciation, coaching, and evaluation.
            Here are the example of those types. Some of them are based on the book, and the rest are made up by me.
            I know how hard you've been working.
            You matter to me.
            Thank you.
            Good job!
            You don't make your main cast a priority.
            How many times you revised your writing?
            I believe you can do it!
            You are not the best author in wattpad.
            I don't like your story.


saya lebih memilih penulis yang menjadikan tokoh utama ceritanya adalah seseorang yg pemberani. Iya, pemberani. Entah itu cowok atau cewek, kaya atau miskin, tua atau muda, berkemampuan super power atau manusia tak berkekuatan, yang jelas dia bersikap pemberani.


@elly_elian thanx dah bc dan nge-vote ceritaku ^_^
          -->krn pnasaran, td ku browsing 'tru calling' dan y, hampir mirip ceritaku jg d bagian yg 'mnta tolong' itu, tp ceritaku gak bisa mengulang hari loh y, dan ini murni pengembangan hasil mimpiku yg ng-liat jenazah mnta tolong sm sy (sumpah takut bnget pas kbangun)<--
          mudah2an gak bneran kejadian y (mohon doa.y jg) :D
          jd mau hunting cerita 'tru calling' jg neehh


@elly_elian gak ah, aku gak mau punya six senth, btw follback yah ^_^


@Already_Me thank back :)
            iya, bagian 'minta tolong' nya tanpa ulang hari, drama seri jadul (sekawan dengan 'dark angel', dan 'charmed'). Waduh merinding disko ngimpi nya XD 
            doanya yg terbaik aja (hah doa apa ini?) ini semacam pas temanku cerita dia punya indera ke6 dan aku cukup berbahagia hanya memiliki 5indera saja.