
Sooooo been a while huh?


so yeah the book really got put on hold for a while but summer holidays are starting in about three weeks i will be working but at least it's time off school so i'll try and update at lease once a week i swear to you from june onwards. Sorry but that does mean pride will be ruined by my gay angst


@Simp_for_Sadie097 thank you but I swear it is back 


It’s ok, I can wait as long as you need, and take your time there’s no need to rush.


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hy guys I'd just like to apologise for how long the next chapter is taking some shit happened in my personal life that is taking up a lot of time but I swear the next chapter will be out by the end of the week and I will try and at least get my two favourite gays together by the end of the month seeing as it's October