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Holy shit, ich habe mal ein Buch geschrieben was 236 Seiten hat? :o und quasi 75000 Wörter? Ich bin dezent geschockt, wie ist das passiert? :D 


Yunge das startete als eine ernstgemeinte Nachricht und ist very fast escalated xd


I wish omg das war so genial kannst du bitte weiterschreiben xoxo


this message may be offensive
Holy shit, ich habe mal ein Buch geschrieben was 236 Seiten hat? :o und quasi 75000 Wörter? Ich bin dezent geschockt, wie ist das passiert? :D 


Yunge das startete als eine ernstgemeinte Nachricht und ist very fast escalated xd


I wish omg das war so genial kannst du bitte weiterschreiben xoxo


So I was tagged by @chopsueyslashes
          to do this top 10 fave songs challenge  (well thank you for that, I feel kind of honoured  right now :D x )
          I didn't put any 1D or JB songs here because like 90% of all their songs are kind of my favourites and then I would have to write them all down here and I didn't want this list to be like a favourite 1D/JB songs list. 
          However, it was pretty hard for me to choose 10 favourite songs (cause I have so much more, but all of these aren't like THAT favourite song of mine and I just like too many songs a lot but I could never describe them as my favourites because which songs I like most for a while is constantly changing) ...
          but I guess these have to be my top10 at the moment (?) :D :
           1. Please don't go girl - New kids on the block 
          2. Earned it - The Weeknd 
          3. I'm your man - Wham!
          4. Beneath your beautiful - Labrinth ft. Emeli Sande 
          5. Halo - Beyoncé
          6. Flares - The Script
          7. True love - Coldplay
          8. Just the way you are - Bruno Mars 
          9. There I said it - Adam Lambert
          10. Lucifer - XOV
          I'd like to tag 
          but only if you want. 
          If anyone else wants to do this, feel tagged by me and do it :D
          Thank you. 


@elouarry ich mach das omg und ich höre mir alle deine songs an.


            No problem, nice songs love (: xx


Ich werde (vielleicht) bald eine neue Story veröffentlichen. Das kann aber noch etwas dauern - so bis Juni/Juli oder so - da ich momentan viel um die Ohren hab. Wollte trotzdem schon mal Bescheid sagen. Denn wenn jemand Interesse daran hat, so lesen wie eine kaum vorstellbar gute Freundschaft durch eigentlich eine Kleinigkeit zu Bruch geht und schmerzhafte Konsequenzen mit sich bringt, der darf dann gerne bei - Titel hab ich schon, yas - 'Vergissmeinnicht' vorbeischauen. Genaueres poste ich wann anders nochmal aber ich würde mich riesig freuen vielleicht ein paar von euch dann da zu sehen.
          Aber Achtung: Das wird keine Liebesschnulze wo alles glatt läuft und Ende gut alles gut und sowas. Es wird Drama geben. Und einige Abstürze. Mehr sag ich jetzt nicht. :D 
          All the love xx 


Ich freu mich da voll drauf, awww das wird toll xx


Okay.. Okalxiqiyny.... To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm even able to write anything readable right now akjdjdjsjjsks because my emotions just hit me very very hard lakxkaky I mean jakdksa Larry hug akxjjwxnwnny and they were so close and just.... I .. I.. There is SO MUCh LOvE Larry love in the air *----* okay call me sick idc, all I feel when I see Larry hugging is love and this makes me more than just giggle, smile, laugh, cry, squeal, happy and feel alive... 
          I missed Larry so much and now we finally see Larry so close again- it's like the sun shines again after 3 years full of rain. 
          Why I actually do this message...
          I really wanna say thank you, thank you so much for all your follows, for all your love and your support. All of you changed my life somehow and all of you changed me. You slowly gave me something back, that I lost before I joined Wattpad. and you made me realise that also users like me, that weren't at least interested in writing stories before joining Wattpad have a chance and  can get a couple of followers here. You always made me smile when one of you clicked my profile's  follow button  and all your votes, your comments and reads made me so happy that it was sometimes pretty hard to hold back the tears! I just want you to know that you all are gorgeous. Incredible. Perfect. I'd like to hug every single one of you but that's sadly impossible. So I want you to feel very tightly hugged, to feel very loved because you're so special and amazing and all worthy to be loved. I hope that many of you read this little message, I hope I could make you smile like you always made me smile. Thank you so much for over 400 followers.
          I love you. 


@ elouarry  @almarosaaguirre aw you're cute xx *hugs you back*   


@elouarry *hugs you* 
            *whispers* *almost crying*
            That is so touching..I feel ya..I feel ya. 


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