
Doing a rewrite for lakeside! Please check it out! It’s v different to the old one


There are two parts published now


I love making covers. If you ever want one, just message me or whatever! I've made a new one for lakeside (goodbye, the hands that look like it's reaching out to god lol hello Ella) but I really like it so just hmu


My English teacher kept me behind today because he found my timetable that had loads of drawings on there and things that my friend had written (as a joke) and it was kinda bitchy but like in the banter type way, and he literally saw it ALL and I'm cringing so hard and it's 11:12pm at night and he was reading through it and anything just cringe cringe cringeeeeee


gUYS ok so Idk how long it will take me to update, I really need to but homework and stuff is just annoying so I will try and start writing the next chapter soOn I promise. Also, check out my tumblr as I will be posting imagines on there which you can read which may be a reason why I won't update as much on lakeside, but I promise I will tRy and keep consistent:)))))
          Love you guys!


My tumblr is www.fandomsugg.tumblr.com