I know I'd been gone for a very long time now, and I won't give excuses but will only say that, as I got my exams near of class 12th it's getting complicate for me to handle everything at once, the insta reels and wattpad books, and more importantly I did a really silly thing a one can do, which was some weeks ago I changed my course from PCB to PCMB and I only have damn three months to complete my 6 subject portion (phy, chemo, bio, maths, english, hindi.) [Maharashtra state board] I don't know what I was even thinking while doing it, but now regreting is not a choice So, I came across a solution I'm going to keep my books on hold, it's what I want....but I will give my peafowl (readers) two options.
1. A slow update. (In two weeks, 1 update)
2. Wait till March/April. (after the given Months,
Two updates a week)
Thank you....And I hope you guys will understand.