
imma vent here bc i literally have no one to talk to but basically there's this friend that was my ride or die for 5 years but when i switched to homeschool we drifted apart and it rlly hurt bc i cared abt this friendship so fcking much and i rlly thought we could've been friends but she found a new bff and it hurts seeing her happy without me ngl, and i found a new friend and at first we would msg 24/7 she would rant to me and i would listen but we just stopped talking and now she found someone new. bro this fcking sucks, everyone just replaces me so quickly and they just dont care. anyway sry for ranting, no one gonna read this anyway lol


@elxctric_luv babe i know exactly how you feel. this has happened to me so many times and it's really shitty ik. i'm really sorry babe. i don't really know what advice to give you, because i also never know what to do when this happens, sorry :( 
          	  you can always rant to me, i'll always listen! pms are open and i hope you guys repair the friendship! <33


@elxctric_luv my pms are open ml. That happened to me too- ik what you feel like


imma vent here bc i literally have no one to talk to but basically there's this friend that was my ride or die for 5 years but when i switched to homeschool we drifted apart and it rlly hurt bc i cared abt this friendship so fcking much and i rlly thought we could've been friends but she found a new bff and it hurts seeing her happy without me ngl, and i found a new friend and at first we would msg 24/7 she would rant to me and i would listen but we just stopped talking and now she found someone new. bro this fcking sucks, everyone just replaces me so quickly and they just dont care. anyway sry for ranting, no one gonna read this anyway lol


@elxctric_luv babe i know exactly how you feel. this has happened to me so many times and it's really shitty ik. i'm really sorry babe. i don't really know what advice to give you, because i also never know what to do when this happens, sorry :( 
            you can always rant to me, i'll always listen! pms are open and i hope you guys repair the friendship! <33


@elxctric_luv my pms are open ml. That happened to me too- ik what you feel like