
hey all. It’s been literal years (so so sorry) but I have another book brewing and am going to start posting it here soon. i hope you all love it!!


hey guys! I know it’s been a while since i’ve been active but I had a little news. I’m rewriting Stay Close! it got more attention than i thought it would and I wasn’t necessarily a fan of how it turned out since I wrote it at such a young age. for a sneak peak, here are a few things this new one includes:
          -a different setting that i know a little better than the current one
          -much, much more realistic! (my biggest complaint)
          -better grammar
          -a better progression of Emmett and Louise’s relationship
          -fixed the time jump
          just to be clear, this new version is VERY DIFFERENT from the old one. it could almost be considered a different book completely, but i think it’s much better. i’m about a fourth of the way through, so it’ll be a little while before it’s finished. I’ll keep y’all updated!


Good news. The Reckless is getting published! In a few days, I’ll be taking off all but the first 5 chapters. If it’s on your list or you’re in the middle of reading, you might have to go ahead and finish quickly or just wait until published copies come into libraries and bookstores. 


Just finished a light edit of The Reckless! You guys should go read if you haven’t;)


I am considering a small short story of Alec and Camilla:)


@elysemason i want a part 2 or something 
            I don't want it to end 