
Also yall are litterly the nicest strangers ever lolll that's so weird because I feel like I'm friends w all of yall
          	You guys have no idea how happy it makes me to read your funny and sweet comments these really motivate me to keep writing more and more stories and I just wanted to thank you all for your kindness and patience with me
          	I'm not at all a professional writer, I make so many mistakes as English isn't even my first language. I just write with passion and yet you guys still like reading my Lil stories. Thank you guys so much really I love yall and I hope you will enjoy my stories in the future :p 


Also yall are litterly the nicest strangers ever lolll that's so weird because I feel like I'm friends w all of yall
          You guys have no idea how happy it makes me to read your funny and sweet comments these really motivate me to keep writing more and more stories and I just wanted to thank you all for your kindness and patience with me
          I'm not at all a professional writer, I make so many mistakes as English isn't even my first language. I just write with passion and yet you guys still like reading my Lil stories. Thank you guys so much really I love yall and I hope you will enjoy my stories in the future :p 


Hey yall <33 !!
          I'm so sorry for being so inactive right now
          It's simply because school started again and NY holidays are over :(( 
          Which is why I've been so busy with school not being to write :3 and I'm aware I left yall on a huge cliff hanger lol.  : D
          but don't worry everything is planned I just need to time to quickly write it up and I'll do it as soon as I get some free time I promise that and I luv yall ;) <333 


PLS write more stories girliepop, your iconic!


@elysi4nn11 OMG NO THANK YOU!!! and me with art fr but I really hope you get over the writers block bc your stories are soo good and help me sleep so thank u ‍♀️


@Adrian102076 thank u bestie<33 but I hate when I have zero inspiration to write like now ugh!! :/