What broke you the most?
My best friend leaving and ending the friendship in the worst way posible and telling me so many things that made me question our entier friendship.
So here I am standing with my heart shater and wondering if I will trust anyone ever agian
The shook of my life?
When I found out that Cedric Diggory was actually in his sixth year at Hogwarts not his seventh when he died and his birthday was earlier that year and that's why he could joint.
Vă conving să citiți Haos Vrăjit:
Am personaje:
Semizeii( inspirat din Percy Jackson)
Vârcolaci Americani( inspirat din Teen Wolf)
Regulus Black care îi crește pe Ryan și Harry
Platonic Moonwater( pentru cine nu știe e practic Regulus și Remus fiind bff)
Personaje originale cu propria lor poveste