
That moment when you let your characters write the story instead of forcing the plot and one breaks the fourth wall. And no, it was not Deadpool either. 






When 5SOS comes on the weird ass radio station that is the only thing that work where you are, you know it's gonna be a good day. When it's Girls Talk Boys, your day is even better. 
          Now when they come on a second day in a row, and it's She's Kinda Hot, you completely forget that you only got thirty minutes of sleep because your entire family snores and camping sucks sometimes. 
          And it's even better when your dad and brother sings along to the songs too, while your mom is just confused. Even if my dad did screw up the lyrics a bit. And if my mom has been to two of their concert while I've gone to zero.


            but apparently a horrible memory whatever more power to ya


Random fun fact
          Mermaids and Sirens are not the same thing. 
          Mermaids are half human/half fish. Sometimes depicted with a lower half a tail and upper half a human, but they were also described as humanoid creatures covered in scales with gills and a dolphin like tail. Also, in the original myths, it was never mentioned that they sang. Sorry Ariel. 
          Mermaids were generally super friendly, and the only time they caused harm was when they would fail in love with a human. They woupd forget their human lovers couldn't breathe underwater, and accidentally drown them.
          Meanwhile, Sirens are not part fish at all! Actually, according to what I've read, the three Sirens started off as three mortal women whi were handmaidens of the Greek goddess Persephone. When she was taken by Hades, Demeter blessed them with the bodies of birds (see where this is going?) so they could search for Persephone. The three eventually grew tired and went to live on an island. Demeter was pretty angry so she cursed them so they'd be stuck with the bodies of birds. 
          The three went on with their lives, and even entered a singing contest. Unfortunately for them, it was with the muses. They lost, so they were curse (again) so that nobody would be able to resist their song, and if somebody could, then they would perish. This prophecy came true when Odysseus and his crew came by and managed to resist by stuffing bee wax in their ears and tying Odyssues himself to thw mast of the ship. The Sirens hurled themselves into the sea as they passed and died. 
          Over the years, people began just combining the two as one mythical being. They are not the same. They never were. 
          I don't want to sound rude or anything, but people (even somebody in my class who researched mermaids as well) in my mythology class are getting the details wrong and it bothers me so much for these two intriguing beings are being combined as one. 
          Spread the word. Mermaids and Sirens are NOT the same.
          Okay, that's it. 
          - Seasons